英 [ɪ'mens]美[ɪ'mɛns]
- adj. 巨大的,广大的;无边无际的;非常好的
- The benefits are immense.
- 效益是极大的。
- a project of immense importance
- 极其重要的工程
- There is still an immense amount of work to be done.
- 还有非常非常多的工作没有做。
- With immense relief I stopped running.
- 我长长地松了一口气,停止了奔跑。
- immense cloud of smoke...
- 大片的烟云
- His services to the country were immense.
- 他对国家的贡献非常大.
- The porch is supported by six immense pillars.
- 门廊由六根大柱子支撑着.
- As a great many people will be visiting the country, the government will be building new hotels, an immense stadium, and a fine new swimming pool.
- 因为很多人将要访问这个国家, 政府将要建造新的旅馆, 一个巨大的体育场和一个漂亮的新游泳池.
- He had immense industry but he didn't know how to think.
- 他非常卖力,就是不知道怎样思考.
- The sea was rolling in immense surges.
- 大海上浪涛汹涌.
- The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense wall of ice which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her.
- 泰坦尼克号及时地转了方向, 勉强避开了高耸在它旁边超过海面一百英尺的一块巨大的冰墙.
- The currents of air that the walls of the ship direct upwards, as well as in line of its course are enough to give the great bird with its immense wings sufficent sustenance and progress.
- 沿着船壁向上引导的以及与航行方向一致的气流足以给这种长有特大翅膀的大鸟以充分的支撑力和前进力.
- The rose was chosen as the star flower because of its immense popularity.
- 玫瑰花被选作明星花是因为它极负盛名.
- They made an immense improvement in English.
- 在英语方面他们取得了巨大的进步.
- To my immense gratification, he fell into the trap.
- 令我极为满意的是, 他中了圈套.
- The performance was immense.
- 演出好极了.
- With the change of the economic foundation the entire immense superstructure is more or less rapidly transformed.
- 随着经济基础的变化,整个庞大的上层建筑也会不同程度地发生迅速变革.
- They plunged into their work with immense zeal.
- 他们以极大的热情投入工作.
- It ( Big Ben ) is not only of immense size, but it extremely accurate as well.
- 它 ( 指“大本钟” ) 不仅巨大而且报时也准确.
- The expense of living is immense.
- 生活费用很庞大.
- The sun is an immense globe.
- 太阳是一个巨大的球体.
- She checked her sobs with an immense effort.
- 她费了好大劲才忍住了抽噎.
- We are impressed by his capacity for handling an immense amount of work without appearing to extend himself.
- 我们很佩服他能处理大量的工作而看来一点也不勉强.
- His joy was immense.
- 他开心极了.
- There is still an immense amount of work to be done.
- 还有非常非常多的工作没有做。
- The Hotel has two strikes against it. One, it'san immense ugly concrete building. Second, it lies in a rather awkward position.
- 该旅馆有两个缺点。其一,它是个非常难看的大型混凝土建筑。其二,它位于一个相当偏僻的地段。
- If it had hit the Earth, it would have made a crater 100 miles across and thrown up an immense cloud of dust.
- 如果它当时击中地球,就会砸出一个直径100英里的大坑并激起巨大的尘埃云团。
- The psychological effects on the United States were immense and in Washington the wounds have still not fully healed.
- 对美国造成的心理影响是巨大的,在华盛顿创伤仍未完全弥合。